Deliciously Simple Roasted Tomato Soup Recipe (Vegan & Oil Free)

If you like easy recipes, you’re gonna love this simple roasted tomato soup recipe with only 7 ingredients. It’s one of those hands-off-this-cooks-itself type of recipes.

And let’s face it, we all sometimes want to serve a special soup without having to put in the work. Not that making a soup is work per se – because all soups are pretty simple to make once you get into the swing of it.

But there’s simple and then there’s simple.

This roasted tomato soup involves roasting the ingredients, then blending them together.

Et voila, a beautiful orange-coloured roasted tomato soup to enjoy with your family and friends.

Gluten free vegan roasted tomato soup

Hands off, no trouble, easy-pleaser, impressive bowl of whole foods, plant based, oil free, vegan soup. If you’re on the lookout for other easy vegan soups, you may also love these other recipes:

Variations on this Roasted Tomato Soup Recipe

This particular way of cooking soup follows the same path regardless of which soup you’re making.

For any roasted vegetable soup, first season the vegetables, then roast them in the oven (without any oil), and thirdly, blend them with some homemade vegetable stock.

The final step is to mix in some unsweetened plant milk.

Other examples of my favourite roasted vegetable soups are roasted pumpkin soup and roasted sweet potato and carrot soup.

Omitting the Garlic in Your Tomato Soup

When making this roasted tomato soup recipe, you can omit the garlic if you like.

And even if you do include the garlic, be sure not to add too much or it might overpower the flavour of the soup.

Dry-roasted garlic has a pungent flavour, so if in doubt, add less than you think you need. You can always add more once you’ve tasted the soup after blending.

Roasted tomato soup with vegan cream and fresh basil on top
Top your bowl of roasted tomato soup with a swirl of vegan cream and freshly chopped basil

Homemade Vegetable Stock

You can also switch the homemade vegetable stock for plain water, but the veggie stock always adds a nice extra complexity to the flavour of any soup.

If you don’t have any ready-made stock, you can always boil up a pan of vegetable cuttings while you’re roasting the tomatoes.

If not, just switch the vegetable stock for water.

Adding Plant Milk

Choose any type of unsweetened plant milk that you normally prefer.

If you don’t have any plant milk in your home, you can use 1.5 cups of cashews instead.

Either soak the cashews in boiling water for 15 minutes to soften them and then discard the water before adding the cashews to the soup and cooking until soft enough to blend.

Or, if you don’t want the extra hassle of soaking first, you can also add the raw cashews straight to the pan and cook them until soft through before blending.

It will take a little bit longer time but a little bit less hands-on work.

Oil free vegan roasted tomato soup

Deliciously Simple Roasted Tomato Soup (Vegan & Oil Free)

Serving Size:
4 people
1 hour
Simple hands-off


  • 2 kg tomato
  • 1 small clove garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 medium sweet potato
  • Dried thyme and rosemary or other herbs of choice
  • Unsweetened plant milk
  • Vegetable stock or water


  1. Wash and roughly chop the tomatoes, removing the green stalk and hard bit at the top and place into an oven dish.
  2. Peel and squash one clove of garlic with the back of the knife, and add it to the pan.
  3. Roughly chop 1 onion and add to the oven dish.
  4. Sprinkle with salt and mix the tomato, onion and garlic in the pan.
  5. Add some dried thyme and rosemary according to your preference.
  6. Wash and partially slice through the flesh of 1 medium sized sweet potato.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200ºc and place pan with the tomato, onion and garlic into the oven. Put the sweet potato separately on the other grill in the oven.
  8. Leave to cook for approximately 40 minutes.
  9. When the tomatoes are cooked and slightly charred-looking, pour the mixture into a blender, or alternatively use a hand blender in a saucepan.
  10. Add the stock and blend until smooth.
  11. Pour in some plant milk and a dash of gluten free ketcap manis and blend some more.
  12. Transfer the soup to a saucepan.
  13. Add more plant milk until it is just the right thickness and flavour.
  14. Add more salt or gluten free ketcap manis/soy sauce if necessary.
  15. Serve with some fresh herbs on top and a swirl of homemade vegan cashew cream.

This roasted tomato soup is one of those don’t-have-to-think-about-it type of recipes.

And it’s delicious on top of that, so a win-win!

Roasted Tomato Soup as Part of a WFPB Vegan Diet

A vegan whole foods plant based diet is one of healthiest gifts you can give to your body, helping you to shed the extra kilos, reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure, prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes, boost cardio-vascular health and prevent chronic heart disease.

If you don’t already follow a WFPB diet and you’d like to know more about it, you can read our easy guide to going whole foods plant based.

If you’re vegan but not following a WFPB diet, you might like to take a look at some of the most common vegan FAQ.

Simple roasted tomato soup recipe in a white bowl, topped with vegan cream and fresh basil

Top Tip for Reusing Leftover Tomato Soup

Be sure to make extra soup so that you have some leftovers in the fridge for the next day. Then, remove the fridge and dilute it with extra veggie broth and/or unsweetened plant milk.

Meanwhile, the day before, eat a delicious meal of air fried vegetables with tofu, making sure to also make more than you need and keeping the leftovers for your day two of tomato soup.

Add the leftover air fried veggies and tofu to the diluted tomato soup. Break in some wholemeal rice noodles and heat through for 5-6 minutes or until the noodles are cooked.

You now have a complete meal in a bowl, and instant meal for day two of tomato soup.

Tomato soup with added veggies, tofu and rice noodles

I hope you enjoyed this roasted tomato soup recipe and that it helps you make lots of yummy soups in the years to come!

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