Is it possible that you wouldn’t choose to manifest your own destiny if you knew how to?
I mean, isn’t it everybody’s dream, secretly?
Just imagine – living exactly how you want to live; spending valuable time with loved ones and doing all the activities which fill your heart.
Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
But if it sounds like a fantasy story to you, it isn’t.
This works. It’s real.
So like any real thing, there are steps you can follow to speed up your results.
And in this post we’re going to look at some of the tools to get started on your path of manifesting as well as some of the common pitfalls to avoid.
It takes time to learn anything worthwhile and it can seem difficult to see results in the beginning.
You might even feel like giving up.
At the very least, you may start to doubt whether you really can manifest your own destiny.
But you can. You just have to shift your perspective and persevere until it clicks.
When you have the right tools to kick resistance to the curb, then you’ll begin to see results flowing into your life.
And as you witness those astounding manifestations, you’ll become more excited by the possibilities, and more powerful at manifesting.
Because with each success, your faith in the system will be strengthened.
Are you ready? Then let’s get going!
Steps for Manifesting Covered in this Post
- Prepare your subconscious mind – one of the most important stages.
- Practise manifesting small things around the home – build confidence in your ability.
- Reinforce your intentions: make a magic drawing of what you want to see manifest in your life.
- Learn the language of your very own bio-feedback system: tune in to your feelings as you set your intentions.
- Visualise your request as being fulfilled – link it to your emotions.
- Wake up each day knowing it is on its way to you.
- Don’t ask how it will come to you.
- Be open to surprises.
- Take any small steps of action towards your destiny that you can.
- Meditate.
- Never give up but do change course if you have a new enlightening moment around your chosen goal.
#1 Prepare Your Subconscious Mind for Manifesting Your Ideal Life
Maybe you’ve tried manifesting before, without getting real results.
Or perhaps you’re just getting curious and wondering where to start?
This article will set you on the right path so that you can go from doubting to knowing.
Take the first step right now, by deciding that you’re going to crack this no matter what.
I’ll repeat, that because it’s super important: decide right now that you’re going to crack this no matter what.
Because only when you’re truly committed will you get through to where you want to be.
Commit to yourself right now that when one thing doesn’t work you’re going to persevere and try the next.
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we need to BE the person who makes those choices which get those spectacular results.
Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone and do things differently than you normally would.
Because once you commit to being the creator of your own destiny you unlock your potential for success.
Manifesting is about aligning our energy with our desires in a way that magnetises them into our reality. In reality, when we are truly aligned not only our energy but also our behaviour and our actions change.
So the shift happens within us first.
We then suddenly start to see incredible opportunities just opening up before us as one thing after another slots into place.
In fact, our whole life is one long chain of manifestations but we aren’t always aware of it.
We manifest our lack, our frustrations or our loneliness as well as our success and happiness.
And we can switch those things once we understand that we are not victims but creators.
If manifesting is happening all the time, imagine what we can do when we tune in and get into intentional manifesting!
Creating what we actually want rather than more of what we lack?
The first step in the journey to successful manifesting is to get your subconscious mind on board. Because chances are, subconsciously, right now as you read this, you don’t believe it 100%.
- Decide that you’re going to keep going and never give up.
- Be prepared to put in the time and the energy.
Techniques to Help the Subconscious Mind with Manifesting
If manifesting is new for you, or if you haven’t yet had success with it, these are two great techniques which will help you.
The first activity to start doing is to include a manifesting mentality on a daily basis. Use the manifesting techniques in that article to find a parking space or an item when you go shopping or find daily things when you misplace them.
Practice makes perfect and by practising on a daily basis you’ll hone your skills.
Set the intention (i.e. there is a parking space waiting for me), feel it in your gut, don’t question it; release it and go about your day as normal, holding that knowledge within you.
Make sure you stay grounded while you’re manifesting.
When you get to your destination you’ll find someone just pulling out of their space as you arrive.
Thank you universe!
If at first it doesn’t work, keep practising until it does.
And the second tool is to use magic drawings for manifesting.
By drawing all the things you want to see manifested, you send your subconscious mind a message about what you want to see coming into your life and you reinforce the belief that it’s truly possible.
Later you’ll be able to look back at the picture and see all the things which came to fruition.
And don’t worry, you don’t have to be able to draw. Stick-men drawings are just fine.
These two techniques are small habits you can involve in your life without any major effort on your part.
They may not bring about an instant big bang, but they can be extremely incremental in helping to get your subconscious mind on board.
Because very often, when you want to manifest something on a conscious level, your subconscious mind is actually working against you and sabotaging your progress.
Because subconsciously, you don’t believe it’s possible.
But it is, as you will soon discover.
- Practise manifesting things on a daily basis – parking spaces, things you misplace, the exact t-shirt you’re looking for to buy etc.
- Do a magic drawing and draw everything you want to see coming into your life.
#2 Harnessing Your Emotional Energy for Powerful Manifestation
A huge part of successfully manifesting is the ability to tune in to your feelings.
When you focus on the thing you want to see manifest, you should be able to sense the feelings it brings up.
You can also use this method to check whether you’re likely to receive the thing you want to manifest, simply by checking in with your feelings.
Exercise for Checking in on Your Emotional Energy
- Visualise an easily achievable goal, something you do or have every day. Imagine it in your mind’s eye with every detail.
- Make the picture about something which you love and that you know you can receive, like a visit to a loved one for example.
- As you do that, pay attention to the feelings within your gut, chest and solar plexus area. Can you sense the connection there?
- If you can’t feel anything, keep practising for 7 days. Visualise and check-in. Visualise and check-in.
Really get to know your own body’s reactions and how it reacts when you absolutely know something is true.
So using the example given above, if you visualise going to visit someone you love, visualise yourself arriving, and as you see it within your mind, really feel the emotional response within your chest, heart and gut.
Repeat the exercise with various different scenarios and explore your physical sensations as you imagine the different things.
The important thing is to stay with real, achievable images at first as you learn how to feel the truth within your chest, solar plexus and/or heart area.
The specific area will be different for the different things you’re imagining. Just become aware and pay attention.
Do this exercise for 7 days, just imagining real things you already have or can have, and becoming more aware of the bio-feedback.
Stage Two of Checking Your Emotional Energy
Now you’re ready for stage 2.
Switch your visualisation to a completely impossible request – say that you’re standing on stage at Wembley Stadium singing to thousands of people. Choose something that absolutely doesn’t resonate with who you are.
As you do the visualisation practice, notice the absence of physical connection to the mind-movie.
You can visualise it all you want, but you won’t get that connection to your core. Because it isn’t there.
That absence of connection tells you one of two things.
Either that the reality which you’re imagining isn’t close to your reality at this moment (like your chosen example that didn’t resonate with you).
Or, that you don’t truly buy into this system yet.
That doesn’t mean you can’t still go for it.
It just means that you’ll have to aim for a step which is closer to where you currently are. Practise visualising smaller requests until you can feel the emotional response.
- Practise visualising real things you have in your life and tune into the emotional sensations in your body.
- Practise visualising impossible things which don’t resonate with you at all and notice the absence of sensations in your body.
- Now visualise something real which you want to see coming into your life. Tune in to the sensations. Can you feel them? Attach your emotions to the visualisation if necessary.
#3 From Vague to Vivid: Define Your Request with Clarity
When you want to manifest something, it’s vital to really define your request with clarity.
It’s no good wishfully imagining being ‘happier’ or ‘wealthier’ or ‘in love’ or any other generic idea of happiness.
Instead, get specific.
For example, if you want to find somebody to love, get specific about that person.
Write down all the characteristics of the person you’d love to meet. Get detailed.
Don’t let your criteria block you from someone when they appear with some differences though.
Even though you want to get right down as specific as possible, you then want to open yourself up to all possibilities.
It’s like you send out a detailed description but allow for the response to be improved on!!
For another example: if you want more money, think of the why. Picture something you need the money for and get specific with describing the specifics and the emotions around that.
Money’s too abstract on its own for most of us, so it’s better to narrow it down to something more specific which you will benefit from if you have the money.
You need to pay the mortgage. Or you want to buy some new shoes.
Visualise and tune in to the image of the result of the money, not the money itself.
It doesn’t harm to add money to your visualisation too, but it does harm to only have money because the money in itself isn’t anything: it’s what it can give us that we actually want, not the money itself (for most of us anyway).
Now that you know the difference between the physical sensation of visualising things which are within your real zone and those which are beyond, try visualising the actual change you want to see happen in your life right now.
Do you feel the connection in your core? If you do, perfect! If you don’t, try to create the emotions. Imagine the result in as many different ways as you can, until it really resonates and triggers an emotional response.
For example: imagine a silhouette of the partner you seek. See yourself walking hand-in-hand down a country path. Check-in and feel the sensations in your gut and solar plexus as you do the visualisation.
This is not only a bio-feedback mechanism but also an actual way to put in an order from the universe and manifest the life you want.
Step by step, piece by piece.
If you’re having any trouble feeling the difference, or if you have any kind of resistance which is blocking the process of successfully manifesting things into your life, then you may like to read this post on pre-manifesting techniques.
- Get super clear and up-close with your request.
- Turn it into something specific and tangible.
- Imagine it in all its detail.
- Connect to the sensations in your core (bio-feedback to check if it’s on its way to you).
- Add more sensations by creating your own emotional response (bio-feedback hack to give juice to your request).
#4 Bridging the Gap to Your Dream Life
By taking action we begin to close the distance between where we are and where we want to be.
You can’t just pluck any old goal and manifest it. It has to make sense to you.
In other words, we can only manifest as far as we can visualise.
Visualise your request as being already yours. Live your daily life with this knowledge as your base.
Wake up and remember that it is yours. Go to bed and give thanks that it is yours. Make your daily decisions coming from a place of it already being yours.
This is the key turning in the lock.
You have ordered your request and just as you know that night is coming tonight, you should know that your request is also coming.
It is already yours.
There’s no limit to the power of manifesting and huge leaps can happen in an instant. But only if the person is 100% in.
Our energy has to match the outcome. And that’s only possible when we believe in it and it resonates with us on a deep level.
Manifesting works within our own understanding of reality and our own deepest beliefs.
If our goal is too far away but we still want to travel towards it, no problem.
We can adjust our goal to something which is closer to our present moment and just like a chain, we can manifest our way through life.
- See the thing as already being yours
- Live life from that viewpoint
- Make decisions as though you already had the desired result (as much as is possible)
#5 Release the Need to Know How: Embrace the Journey
There’s no way you can manifest and ask the question of HOW. How is none of our business, because if we start to try to place logic on how our manifestation with come to us, firstly we won’t be able to see a way to make it possible, and secondly that will make us doubt the outcome.
The way things come through is always a surprise. It might not even be something you had dreamed of.
If you wished for money to buy a house, you might find a person walking into your life instead. It’s up to you to recognise opportunity when it comes.
For example, I once drew a magic drawing and set my intention for a sum of money to do a repair job that was necessary. Of course, in my head, it was for me.
But sure enough, the manifested solution was something I’d never thought of when it wasn’t me who received the money but my husband.
My repairs got done and the universe had stepped in with one of her surprises yet again.
- Don’t try to second guess how it’s going to happen
- Don’t ask the ‘how’ question
- Be open to surprises
#6 Action is the Catalyst: Fuel Your Manifestation Journey
As you go through each day knowing that you’re on course for your desired results, make sure that your actions align with those results.
It may be in small ways or in huge decisions, act from a place of where you want to be.
Act from a place of having, not from a place of lack.
You may need to take a leap of faith. Keep your eyes open for opportunities and recognise them when they appear.
- Take action to propel you forward in your chosen path.
- Recognise opportunity when it presents itself in unexpected ways.
#7 Quiet Your Mind, Manifest Your Dreams: The Power of Meditation
Set aside some time for meditation. If it’s hard to fit it into your day, you can take a few moments as you lie in bed before you go to sleep.
In your meditation travel to the place where your request has already been fulfilled. Feel the full experience of living with your desire manifested.
Give thanks within the meditation and explore any messages that may come your way during the experience.
#8 Never Give Up: Persist with Flexibility
There’s no such thing as failure right? Failure is just part of the process on the road to success. Failure isn’t failure unless we decide it is and we then stop doing our heart’s desires.
So instead of stopping, decide now to persevere come what may.
At the same time, allow yourself the flexibility to adapt. You may find that what you initially requested wasn’t really right for you after all.
Switching to a new tramline with a different destination isn’t a failure. It’s progress.
Steps for Manifesting Your Desires

Final Thoughts on Manifest Your Own Destiny
I hope you’ve found this post helpful to kickstart you to successfully manifest the life of your dreams. It is already yours, you just need to allow yourself time to shift into the new reality.
Brilliant blog! How often do you use manifesting to attract things you want?
That’s a great question! On one level we’re all using the laws of manifesting all the time, without realising it. And regarding conscious manifesting techniques, I’ll always have an on-going goal which is held within my solar plexus energy and something I will visualise frequently, perhaps at night before I go to sleep. I also approach my life in a way which includes manifesting small things on a regular, if not daily basis.