My Health Protocol – Be 100% Vibrant

Have you ever decided to give yourself a health boost? That’s exactly what I’m doing right now with my health protocol, which I’m sharing in this article.

It all started because of developing symptoms followed by being diagnosed with hypothyroidism and inflammation.

And so I decided to get a breakthrough and see whether I could reverse my symptoms.

Ok, so let’s get one important thing out the way: this article is not intended to advise on how you should design your health protocol and it contains no medical advice. It is purely about my personal health journey.

Having said that, I hope it helps to inspire you to take action too!

1. Diet on My Health Protocol

I’m intolerant to gluten and my recent blood test showed that I had a high level of inflammation (raised IGA) in my body.

Therefore, one of the first steps to overall health must include reducing or eliminating inflammation.

So I decided to go on an anti-inflammatory elimination protocol diet which means eliminating the most common inflammatory triggers from the diet for 8 weeks and re-introducing them one by one with a gap of a few days between each one.

Because my body’s been free of these triggers, it will react more noticeably when I reintroduce something I’m intolerant to and that way I’ll be able to identify which foods can stay in my long-term diet and which ones I’d be better off without.

I’m currently on week 7 of the plan.

Foods I’ve eliminated:

  • Legumes, beans, pulses: borlotti beans, black beans, broad beans, peas, edamame, soya, tofu, tempeh etc.
  • Grains: rice, quinoa* (*pseudograin), maiz, gluten-free pastas
  • Chocolate
  • Deadly nightshade family: potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines, all peppers, including chilli powder, curry powders, capsicum, paprika etc
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee, including de-caff
  • all processed foods and refined sugar

Foods to eliminate which I already don’t eat:

  • gluten
  • dairy
  • caffeine

What I Eat As a Vegan On an Elimination Diet

  • All non-nightshade vegetables: lettuce, cucumber, cauliflower, spinach, courgette, sweet potato, mushrooms etc.
  • Fruit: apple, banana, kiwi, kaki, melon etc
  • Allergen-free protein powder with no sweeteners, flavourings or other additives
  • Organic unsweetened coconut yoghurt
  • Herbal infusions and water

Now you might think that this AIE diet sounds like a nightmare, but thanks to the power of intentional thinking, I have zero resistance to this way of eating and I look at it as an exciting experiment.

I had a blood test done before I started, after 4 weeks and again at the end.

And you know what? The funny thing is, I’m loving this way of eating and there are loads of positive changes like no planning what to eat (it’s more or less the same every day), no indecision, no complicated shopping lists, and almost no cooking.


2. Vitamins & Minerals

Which vitamins & minerals you take is completely individual and one thing I’ve learnt is that getting a blood test offers essential information to guide the protocol you decide on.

Iodine deficiency is one of the predominant causes of hypothyroidism so you may want to request that it’s included in your test. In my case, I was deficient in iodine and diagnosed as being hypothyroid, yet no attempt to restore my iodine level was made by mainstream doctors.

Selenium is another important factor for the thyroid but in my case, I have plenty of selenium already.

Even if you aren’t hypothyroid and you want to give yourself a health boost, it’s clear that supplementing the essential vitamins which your body may be lacking can be key to overall improvement.

In my case, I’m taking vitamins three times a day.

In the morning I take vitamins B12, B complex, benfotiamine, iodine and omega 3.

At lunchtime, I take vitamins D, K2, iodine and omega 2.

In the evening, I take magnesium, zinc and omega 3.

Video About My Protocol

3. Meditation

I say that I meditate every day. In truth though, there are days when I don’t make it to an official mediation session.

So for the first 10 days of this health protocol, I made a point to sit in meditation for a minimum of 20 minutes and practise a rainbow healing meditation.

This involves getting into a meditative state and then feeling the rainbow above me and inviting the colours in individually to flow through the body.

As a colour appears and envelopes you and you feel it streaming through your veins, bones, muscles, tendons, organs and entire being, you intuitively know what that colour is healing.

Here is my intuitive interpretation of the colours as each one flowed through my body. I should add that they flow into the body in a unique order each time, not following the order of the rainbow.

  • green – growing new healthy tissue and new healthy cells
  • indigo – laser-focused on inflammation, consuming the inflamed tissue/cells and cooling at the same time
  • lilac – nourishing the cartilage and joints of the body
  • orange – the glands and the lymphatic system
  • yellow – the bones and bone marrow to reinforce and strengthen the entire skeleton
  • red – purifying and replenishing the blood supply, infiltrating the veins to cleanse the circulatory system.
  • blue – supports and strengthens the entire musculature

4. Positive Thought Patterns

I practise intentional thinking. That means choosing what I think and influencing my beliefs by being aware of my thought patterns.

In order to create positive thought patterns around health, we need to believe in ourselves as being capable of regrowth, or change and of adaptation.

I practice sending love and appreciation to myself and to my symptoms, so instead of fighting with them, I offer them gratitude for the experience they are giving me.

Of course, we can’t always feel grateful for a headache or whatever it is that pains us and that’s ok. But it’s fundamental to strive to feel the power of decision, the power of acceptance, the power of knowledge and the power of belief.

I regularly give gratitude and I hold a firm belief in my core that I am supporting my body and that if it isn’t enough, I will adapt to another protocol but I will never give up believing that things are exactly as they are supposed to be.

If it’s difficult to feel grateful for the actual symptom, then I feel grateful for the lesson that its teaching me. Both of these lead to acceptance and surrender.

5. Exercise

Exercise is the oxygen of health.

Without exercise, we can’t expect to be healthy.

I’ve chosen my favourite activities to support my health during this protocol and those are yoga, hiking and some resistance training.

I typically do:

  • 1 hour yoga/day
  • 8-12 km hike 3-4 times/week
  • pull-ups/weight training ad-lib

Final Thoughts on My Health Protocol

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about my health protocol and that you’re inspired to do something similar for yourself.

After creating this protocol, I added a 6th activity – cold water therapy!

That’s in a whole new league and I’m loving it!

What does your health protocol look like? Let me know in the comments or drop me a line!

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