Honest Yogi Flight School Review – Arm Balances & Inversions

Are you looking for a completely honest Yogi Flight School review?

You know the kind I mean, one that’s written by someone who knows what it’s like on the inside but isn’t actually part of the team? Someone who can be brutally candid and honest?

If so, this is written for you.

Whether you want to learn arm balances or inversions, you’ve never done yoga, you’re feeling frustrated with a lack of progress, or you’re simply curious about what it’s really like, this article will answer your questions.

Because I know how hard it can be to take a leap of faith into the unknown without some kind of personal account to give you confidence.

And for me, I was lucky enough to get that information from my daughter who joined YFS first, and I knew once I had joined myself that I wanted to help other people get a glimpse into what it’s like just as my daughter had done for me.

And I’ll let you into a little secret about the platform: Yogi Flight School’s actually a great place for increasing a positive mindset and learning to love yourself more too.

Related articles:

My Personal Story With Yogi Flight School

I practised yoga for many years but despite my good intentions, I never actually progressed very much.

Not in a tangible way at least.

In truth, I didn’t know how I could create progress more on the yoga mat without going to traditional lessons.

And I wanted to learn from home.

So I followed lots of great yoga teachers on Youtube. I also joined the paid platforms Grokker and Kino Yoga by Kino McGregor, followed by Inner Dimensions TV by Travis Elliot.

I pushed myself (I thought) to my limits, but still, I didn’t see any progress in my flexibility or strength.

And then I joined YFS and I’ve progressed more in the past 6 months than I did in the past 6 years.

And joining YFS has been the best investment in myself that I could have chosen.

I’m not quite halfway through the course, and I can already do crow, headstand, fallen angel, baby grasshopper and I can kick up to forearm stand; though of course, I’m still working on improving all of these poses and more.

I’m also practising handstand and holding it for a second, still with the help of a wall.

And I’ve still got a way to go before I nail it but I will get there! And I truly never believed that would be possible before joining YFS.

YFS has not only improved my physical practice but also shattered so many of my limiting beliefs.

All my doubts from before enrolling have now been resolved, including whether Yogi Flight School is good for older students (yes it is).

I came so close to not joining YFS because of all my reservations and that’s why I decided to share my experience, in case it can help you too.

So if you’re ready, fasten your seat belt, we’re about to take off.

Featured image courtesy of my daughter, Aisha Perks, flying with YFS.

Summary Of This YFS Review

Yogi Flight School is one of a kind.

Nathania Stambouli, who founded YFS, combines physical progress with a psychological mindset that shows us our inner limiting beliefs, or ‘stories’ that we tell ourselves.

If you don’t have time to read the whole review (come back and get it later!), here’s a summary of what the YFS has to offer – in my opinion and from my experience.

What’s Included in Yogi Flight School

  • Video material: hundreds of hours of explicit instruction workshops delving into how to practise the poses. They come with accompanying warm-ups, warm-downs, mindset videos and myofascial release videos.
  • Coaches: positive attitude, professional, helpful team of coaches.
  • Value for money: exceptional, especially if you do everything included in the course.
  • Suitable for all ages and levels: YFS shines in smashing limiting beliefs and welcoming everyone.
  • Support: you can get help at all times, not only on Facebook but also by email and on the platform itself.

What to Take into Account Before Joining Yogi Flight School

  • This course isn’t a magic bullet. You’ll need to work to get the results.
  • Not for people who don’t want to put in the time.
  • Self-motivation is necessary.
  • Progress takes the time it takes – and it’s different for each person.

Yogi Flight School Prices

These prices are valid at the time of my writing this review but they could by changed by YFS without being reflected here. Click on the link above to check the current prices.

Infographic of current prices - Yogi Flight School

What Is Yogi Flight School?

Yogi Flight School is truly a unique place to be. It’s quite unlike any other yoga platform I’ve ever joined.

It’s an online platform where you can learn how to do arm balances and inversions. And their philosophy is to clarify the mechanics of HOW to do the poses.

You see, many of us believe that we can’t do ‘fancy’ arm balances because we’re too – choose your word – weak/old etc. but Nathania Stambouli from YFS has an incredible talent for teaching complete beginners to stand on their heads or hands.

Me included!

The reason she’s so successful is partly because she believes in everybody and shares her positive conviction with her YFS family, and partly because she breaks down the mechanics of the poses individually.

I honestly believed I was too weak in arm strength for many of the poses but as she points out, you get strong in the learning. You don’t have to be strong before starting.

Before doing the masterclass part, focussing on the balance of that day, there’s always a targeted warm-up for 30 minutes or so.

If you have any limiting beliefs like this:

I’m too old. I’m not strong enough. I’m not flexible enough. I can’t do it.

Then YFS will deconstruct those beliefs for you. Because you’ll literally see that you CAN do it.

When I signed up, I truly believed the balances were beyond my reach (that was the story I was telling myself) and that I would just ‘get what I could‘ from the course.

By participating and following the coaching team’s advice as well as putting in plenty of daily practice, I’ve been amazed at how much I can do.

Maybe some things will remain beyond my reach but who cares?

I can feel the difference in my body compared to 6 months ago when I started.

I honestly didn’t think I’d be doing a forearm stand (pincha) and it’s exhilarating to break through my limiting beliefs.

Yogi Flight School Courses

Yogi Flight School has two signature courses. They’re both similar in concept but one includes live classes while the other is 100% self-study.

The live class takes place on Zoom every Saturday (from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. for CET time zone) and is normally led by Nathania Stambouli, the founder of YFS.

After the main warmup and the presentation for the pose of that day, students are separated into breakout rooms where we get to practise in smaller groups with one of the team’s qualified coaches.

In this way, we get to work on the pose with individual help and also to hear/see the comments for other students. Often by watching other people getting coached, you can unlock something for yourself.

Both courses also offer positive and constructive feedback in a private Facebook group, via email or on the actual platform – so you can always get instruction or help at any time throughout the course.

In fact, you’re actively encouraged to share your videos and I highly recommend doing so.

Who’s Yogi Flight School For?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi; you can join even if you’ve never done yoga at all.

You’ll also fit right in whether you’re in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s.

And if you feel apprehensive about being online in a group environment, you should know that Yogi Flight School’s a completely friendly and supportive place to be.

Joining YFS’s an exceptionally welcoming and positive experience – it’s a safe space for anyone who enjoys having fun and taking on new challenges.

The Yoga Classes

During the weekly 2-hour live yoga class, the coach, usually Nathania Stambouli (or sometimes one of the other qualified coaches), will lead the class.

First, she will do an extremely targeted warmup (but forget what you think of as a warmup – this is a half-hour thing, targeting the specific body parts we’re going to be using in the class).

Then, she demonstrates the target pose and explains the correct alignment needed to get into the pose.

Often there are various possible ways to achieve a pose as well as different variations for different yoga levels.

After the demonstration, she will answer any questions the students have posted into the chat.

And then we get the opportunity to try the pose together.

After that, when everyone is ready to give it a go, we go into breakout rooms. If you’ve never used Zoom, a breakout room means you divide the group into smaller groups.

There are usually three separate breakout room sessions during the two-hour class.

These will focus on 3 different poses or variations of poses, though you’re encouraged to practise whichever of the 3 you want.

So you may choose to stay with the first pose throughout, or you may choose to play with 3 poses.

Yoga In the Breakout Room

Students are allocated a breakout room with one of the YFS coaches.

Here, the students raise a virtual hand as the coach goes through the queue offering support and advice.

When it’s your turn, you get to try the pose and get live advice from the coach.

You can do this at whatever stage you are at, and there will be students of varying levels practising exactly where they are at.

You may at first think this sounds intimidating. But Nathania points out that we are all exactly where we’re meant to be and seeing someone achieve something more than you should have zero negative impact on you.

Maybe that person’s been practising for years. Or perhaps that person lives in a more flexible body than you do.

She says if we let that stop us on the yoga mat, where else in life are we cutting ourselves short?

Because there will always be people who can do more than us in life.

As well as receiving feedback for your attempts, you also hear and see all the other comments and questions – and you learn from them too.

Our mistakes aren’t unique to us and many times a comment to somebody else will unlock the pose for you too.

If you don’t want to be spotlighted, of course, you may choose to leave your hand down. You can even turn off your camera if you want, though you won’t be getting the best from the course.

I think it’s quite normal when first joining to feel a bit shy but I suspect that that feeling doesn’t last long for most of us.

I myself found that my shyness didn’t last beyond the first couple of classes because it was easy for me to see that the feedback is always given with a positive attitude to encourage growth.

While the live class takes place every Saturday, the self-study course comes with one pre-recorded live class for each module, so that’s 8 recorded live classes to accompany the 8 modules. (For more on the modules, see the overview of the course below.)

Whichever course you opt for, it’s the practice you put in during the week, along with the main class, that will bring about a transformation in your ability.

And as long as you keep at it, you will see improvement.

The live course offers one year of weekly live classes while both courses have lifetime access to the pre-recorded material.

I find that YFS philosophy also applies to life off the mat, so I’ve written another article about the life lessons shared in Yogi Flight School.

These life lessons come in the form of little tidbits during class and full-blown mindset videos which are included in the course. What shows up on your mat, shows up in your life.

The stories we tell ourselves shape our reality on the mat and off the mat. We need to change our story if we want to get a different outcome.

After the breakout rooms, there’s a short cool-down at the end of class.

The Extras

There’s also a myofascial release video for each module, as well as live workshop recordings and vinyasa, yin and other yoga classes, which all means ample extra material for practising during the week.

Some extra bonus materials include my favourite – a masterclass on Chaturanga Dandasana.

I mentioned the Chaturanga Dandasana masterclass in an earlier post on how to nail your Chaturanga yoga pose at home because I find Chaturanga soo difficult and this was the one masterclass which most helped me to understand the pose better.

And, one of the best things about joining YFS? You don’t have to be anything in particular (not young, not strong, not flexible, not fit) to start the course.

You just have to be you.

And be prepared to do the things you need to do along the way.

The 3-Day Yogi Flight School Free Course

The free introductory course gives you the opportunity to check out the teaching style and see whether it’s right for you.

Or if you just want to grab the opportunity for 3 days of free yoga, that’s also fine.

In the free training Nat breaks down crow pose, crane pose and jump back on day one.

Day two is all about the headstand and crow transition, and finally, day three is dedicated to the handstand.

Who’s Behind Yogi Flight School?

Nathania Stambouli is the founder and principal coach at Yogi Flight School.

Her passion shines through in her teaching style as she gets everybody and anybody who wants to fly – to fly!

Before you say (or think) – I can’t do that! – just know that you aren’t the only one thinking that. We all have that little voice saying we can’t do things.

And we often believe that voice when we shouldn’t.

I know, because I used to listen to mine too, when it chipped in my ear: I can’t do a handstand. I’m too weak.

And maybe I can’t do it, yet.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t work on it!

The important thing is to add ‘yet‘ to the sentence. I can’t do a handstand yet.

Just do what you can, and be where you’re at.

No excuses! That’s what Nat says.

Because this is not your regular yoga school.

It’s quite beautifully and unashamedly unique.

An Interview with Nathania Stambouli

Nathania Stambouli’s Journey (in very brief!!)

Nat’s a super-motivating and driven yogi – who once upon a time worked a corporate job in an office in a warehouse (yes really, and with no windows at that!).

One day or month or year, she realised that there was more to life than working in an office, no matter how well-paid she might have been.

And after 10 years, she quit her corporate job to do a yoga teacher training and dedicate her life to what she most loves doing: teaching beginners to fly their yoga poses.

But Yogi Flight School wasn’t her first venture. First, she taught yoga, then she became the owner of SoulPlay yoga studio in California, which she owned for 5 years.

Nathania now runs not only Yogi Flight School but also SoulTribe Yoga, which offers arm-balance and inversion retreats in paradisiacal locations.

Nathania’s teaching in Yogi Flight School is unique for so many reasons but here are my 7 favourites.

7 of Nathania’s Uniquely Positive Coaching Points

  1. She calls out our inner defeatist voice and says, ‘Don’t tell yourself stories. If you can’t do something today, do what you can, and each day it will get a little bit better.’
  2. You can start, no matter where you are with your progress at the moment.
  3. You don’t have to be strong/flexible before you start – the practice will get you there.
  4. She provides targeted yoga workshops and warmups.
  5. She welcomes all levels and all ages. Everyone can join YFS and learn to fly.
  6. She uses a win-win approach (you’re always winning!).
  7. She’s joined and supported by a great team of coaches.

Nathania encourages EVERYBODY.

And EVERYBODY can progress in Yogi Flight School.

Yes, that means you too. And me. Yippee.

Is it for everyone? No, of course not. So, if you’re still in doubt keep reading and otherwise click on the link to check out YFS.

Overview of the Course

The course (both self-study and live version) is built around 8 modules. Within each module are various classes and videos.

Here’s a brief outline of the course contents (I say brief because there’s more within each module):

Overview of course content Yogi Flight School review

When you complete the 8 modules, you haven’t finished.

You start again and practise, practise, practise – repeating the masterclasses until you feel the poses getting closer to how you want them to be.

There are people of all levels and all ages within YFS so you’ll never feel old or overweight, or weak, or any other negative label.

Within the live course, at the end of the 8 modules, there are 4 unique live yoga classes by various coaches, each one covering a focussed yoga topic before starting back at module one again.

Each time you repeat a module of the course, you achieve a bit more.

Who Will Benefit from Yogi Flight School?

Yogi Flight School is a great fit if you’re interested in breaking free from negative patterns and leaping into new territory.

Nathania’s approach is based on squashing your limiting beliefs and encouraging you to be whoever and wherever you truly are.

Yogi flight school is for you if . . .

  • You’re a yogi and you want to learn arm balances and inversions
  • You aren’t a yogi (but you want to learn arm balances and inversions!)
  • You’re established in your practice
  • You’re not established, in fact you’re a complete beginner
  • You’re strong, flexible and fit
  • You’re not strong, flexible or fit (but you’re happy to give it a go)
  • You’re young and ambitious
  • You aren’t young any more, or ambitious

Who Isn’t Yogi Flight School For?

I don’t believe Yogi Flight School is for you if . . .

  • You don’t want to focus on improving specific asanas or poses
  • You feel that your health might limit you too much to enjoy inversions and arm balances
  • You don’t like the idea of doing arm balances or inversions
  • You don’t have time to put into your yoga practice
  • You want to achieve the results just by doing the weekly Saturday classes

Pros & Cons of Yogi Flight School

As with any course, there will always be some pros and cons.

These are the pros of YFS from the way I personally see it.

They may be different for you.

Pros of Yogi Flight School:

  • A full year of weekly, online, live, 2-hour, workshop-style tuition covering arm balances and inversions. (Great for consistency and long-term progress!)
  • Practice (recorded) material covering the breakdown of poses (and more).
  • Life philosophy which goes beyond the yoga mat.
  • Myofascial release videos.
  • Bonus material 1: vinyasa, yin and other yoga classes.
  • Bonus material 2: unf**ck your wrists; chaturanga masterclass; By Ninjas for Ninjas yoga classes.
  • Excellent value for money (as long as you make optimum use of it).
  • Supportive, friendly and motivating coaches.
  • Students of all ages, body shapes and experience levels.
  • Individual feedback in live lessons on Zoom.
  • Fully supportive and fun Facebook group, email support or on the platform.
  • Exceptionally positive feedback and safe space.

Cons of Yogi Flight School

If you go into Yogi Flight School expecting to do a class and be done with it, then I think you’ll be disappointed.

Prepare yourself to see this as a gradual path, and enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

It may also take a little while before you really get into the swing of how to manage your YFS practice time.

I now practise something from the YFS platform every day but it took me a few weeks before I really understood how to get the best out of it in this way.

  • You need to really throw yourself into it and see it through, not just dip your toes in.
  • In the beginning, you might assume it’s too difficult for you (but it isn’t, that’s just a story we tell ourselves). Tip: persevere & don’t give up.
  • Progress comes with time and persistence so be prepared to work at it.
  • If you give up before the end, you won’t get a refund (obviously).

As you can see from the list of pros and cons, for me the pros heavily outweigh the cons.

To be honest, I’ve been so surprised by this course.

And I’ll also be honest – I had lots of reservations and resistance before I took the leap.

So if you’re having the same doubts, I’ve been there, and I wanted to answer those doubts for you in case they’re similar to what mine were.

I also wrote an entire post about whether YFS is good for older students, which it is of course.

Yogi Flight School Live vs Self-Study Course

Advantages of the self-study course:

  1. Considerably cheaper
  2. You can start whenever you like
  3. Do the weekly class at any time to suit you

Advantages of the live course:

  1. Live Zoom classes with breakout rooms and feedback
  2. May be more motivating to continue the course all year
  3. Comes with access to more material

Bottom Line: Which YFS Course is Right for You?

The live and the self-study courses are similar, with the main differences being the price, the weekly live class every Saturday for 2 hours and the fact that enrolment for the live course only opens a couple of times a year. Regarding content, the live class has access to all the live classes while the self-study has access to 8. Both courses offer support from the coaches in a private Facebook group, via email or on the platform. The self-study is available to buy all year round.

What You Need to Know Before Signing Up for Yogi Flight School

Okay, so there are a couple of things I’ve noticed since joining YFS which I think could enhance your experience.

Firstly, if I hadn’t had the benefit of seeing how my daughter approached YFS, I don’t think I would have had such a positive experience.

I hate to say it, but I probably would have given up too easily. (It hurts to say that!!)

And maybe I wouldn’t have blamed myself; I might have blamed the course. You know the score, like thinking, I’ve been through that module and it’s too difficult. I can’t do it. It just isn’t for me. I’ve joined the wrong course. I’m not good enough for this. Or some bullshit like that.

I realised as I watched my daughter’s progress, just how motivated and consistent she was.

I absorbed her mindset before even starting the course. Specifically for those of us who are older, or menopausal, or post-menopausal, or without having a history of doing yoga, or – insert your limitation here – it’s going to take longer.

So don’t approach it as a lesson on how to do crow and then say, Oh gosh, look! I’m doing a perfect crow! This can happen of course, especially with crow pose. But with most of the poses, they’ll take lots and lots and LOTS of practice.

And that’s fine! It’s fun! And it’s rewarding.

So, see every practice session and every lesson as part of a journey – without an end. There is no ‘end’ line.

We have plenty of time.

Oh, and don’t be against repetition. Once upon a time, I used to *sigh* at the thought of repeating the same classes over and over – not anymore.

Now I get it.

That’s where the progress is lurking, ready to strike when you least expect it.

Conclusion on Yogi Flight School

Ok, so by now you probably know my feelings about Yogi Flight School: it’s awesome.

It’s the best investment I’ve made in myself for a long time and it’s changing my yoga with every week that passes.

I’ve gone from thinking that I can’t, to knowing that I will.

Ok ok, so it’s slow for me, I have to be honest.

But my pace in life is mine. It’s always slow. That’s the right pace for me.

So maybe I can’t do a handstand – but I can walk up the wall and take my feet off the wall to balance on my hands for a few seconds! And I can do crow! And I’m getting better at Pincha! So you see?

It’s just a matter of baby steps and ditching the stories.

YFS combines body and mind to get you to new levels. Just imagine yourself flying and ditching all those boxes you had put yourself in!

For transparency – I’m affiliated with Yogi Flight School. I joined the affiliate program because I genuinely love the program. I’m doing the course and I’m taking my yoga to the next level so why wouldn’t I want to share it with you!!?

Any questions about my experience in YFS? If so, pop them in the comments and I’ll get right back to you.

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