Have you ever wondered how to meditate on a question and connect to your inner intuition?
Unveiling our answers may seem elusive, but by tapping into our higher consciousness during meditation we can often reveal startling results.
And occasionally we need that inner knowing to give us an extra bit of confidence to take a leap of faith in our lives.
Amidst the uncertainty and fear that often surrounds our important decisions, we find ourselves craving a reliable source of guidance.
This is where the practice of meditating on a question becomes invaluable, allowing us to access an inner wealth of information and connect with our intuition on a profound level.
Like for example, should I leave my job that I’m so unhappy in, or should I stick it out for a while longer?
These kinds of impactful decisions become clouded with uncertainty and fear of making the wrong choice.
Or maybe we just want to meditate on our day-to-day questions, the things which crop up on a regular basis.
Whatever our question, we can access our inner wealth of information by asking for guidance during meditation.
Often the answer itself may appear to us during our meditation and other times it becomes clear afterwards as we go about our day.
Even if all we do is settle into the roots of the question and do a peaceful meditation, we can come out of it better prepared for the decisions of our life.
We then sprinkle our dilemmas with inner guidance.
In this post, we’re going to break down how to ask a question during meditation so that we can reap the benefits, as well as troubleshoot some potential hurdles we may face.
We will cover motivation for meditating on a question, specific techniques for getting answers, reasons it may not be working for you as well as its benefits and limitations.
Related post: Meditation to transcend limitations even if you think you can’t meditate
Table of Contents
- Why Meditate on a Question?
- Can Meditation Answer Questions?
- Additional Ways to Get an Answer to Your Question and Support the Meditation
- Where to Sit to Meditate on a Question
- What Kind of Meditation is Best for Answering a Question?
- How Can You Ask a Question in Regular Meditation?
- Summary: How do You Meditate on a Decision Using Regular Meditation?
- How to Meditate on a Question Using Inner Journeying Meditation
- Guided Shamanic Journey
- Summary: How to Meditate on a Decision with Inner Journeying
- Why isn’t Meditation Helping Me Find Answers?
- Using Guided Meditations to Find Answers to Questions
Why Meditate on a Question?
Answers you receive through meditation are super-inspirational because they bring about a sensation of relief, and of knowing which way to go.
And that takes the doubt out of whether your decision is right for you.
You get that sensation in the pit of your stomach that you’re okay.
That this is the right decision, the right move.
Even when things are difficult and none of your options seems rosy, or when you really aren’t sure what the outcome will be, when you go with the one that resonates deeply, you know you made the right choice for this moment.
And that gives you confidence. Relief. Peace.
And when we’re just wondering about less important stuff, more of a general what-shall-I-do-with-my-life kinda question. No sweat, meditation can also help us out here.
It won’t always give us the answer immediately, and we won’t always know for sure.
But often we will.
Just something, even if it’s a tiny nugget of wisdom that will help us navigate our decisions a little more easily.
And that can help us go through our day a little easier.
But beware!
You might not get an answer every time you meditate on a question.
But it’s like strengthening a muscle and the more you practice, the more likely you’ll be able to receive the answer.
Can Meditation Answer Questions?
There are innumerable ways to connect with our Inner Voice, Spirit Guides, the Universe or God, whichever name most resonates with you.
Meditation can answer our questions directly or indirectly. Usually, it’s indirectly.
We may receive a message from a guide within our meditation that helps us decide.
It could be a simple message that helps show us which way to turn.
Or it could be an image, a vivid picture of us active in one of the choices. Or it could even be a question reflected to us to help us view our situation differently.
The trick is to be open to the messages we receive in meditation and to bring them back with us to fully digest their meaning after the meditation has ended.
Tip: it’s handy to keep a journal close by so that you can make a note of any insights you get during your meditation.
You can do this meditation at any time of the day.
You can do it as well as your regular meditation or instead of your regular meditation.
For this kind of inner journey, you may choose to meditate with music or without.
Additional Ways to Get an Answer to Your Question and Support the Meditation
We can absolutely ask our questions during our meditation and allow our higher self to guide us to the answers.
But there are also other things we can focus on to support that process.
One system I like to use is what I call a bio-feedback method. I close my eyes and imagine one possible answer to the question and I pay attention to the feelings it creates in my body.
When I feel the sensation of the suggested answer resonating within, connected to my chest or solar plexus, I know that it’s close to my reality and already on its way to me.
This brings great peace, trust and confidence as you know that it’s in alignment and on order from the universe, just as you know when you’ve ordered something from Amazon that it’s on its way.
As well as using the bio-feedback mechanism, I like to reverse engineer a situation to discover my hidden beliefs about the topic and change them to create better results.
This is a technique we may use in coaching to reveal clarity around a problem and shift our inner beliefs.
By working with a coach to answer questions we can transform our reality to one which aligns with our desires.
Related article: What is Mindset Coaching? How to Unleash Your Inner Strength
Where to Sit to Meditate on a Question
First of all, sit or lie where you normally like to practise your meditation. (If you don’t usually meditate, choose a place where you won’t be disturbed and where you’ll be comfortable.)
You can find a spot outside in nature and meditate there. You can choose a spot in your home, or you can even meditate in bed just before sleep.

I do that quite often when I want to meditate on a question. I lie in my bed, close my eyes and begin the inner journey.
Another space I like to meditate is on my yoga mat, after a home yoga session.
Or just in my regular meditation space, sitting cross-legged on a cushion on the floor with a wall behind me.
Where you meditate is your choice, but try to choose somewhere you won’t be disturbed.
Turn off your mobile phone and reduce external noises as much as you can. Grab a blanket if it’s chilly in the room.
What Kind of Meditation is Best for Answering a Question?
My favourite way to get astounding revelations (or answers to pesky questions) is to go on an inner journey.
True, it’s a bit more complicated to describe the process. True, it takes a little bit of practice to really experience the impact.
But it’s worth it.
On the other hand, you can also include a question in your normal meditation.
There are many different ways to meditate and innumerable styles, opinions, experiences, traditions, cultures and practical applications.
In fact, meditation goes back over 2500 years ago, so it’s hardly surprising that it’s evolved into an umbrella word for many practices.
Nowadays, the concept of meditation’s much like a tree – with millions of leaves, each one of them being a different style of meditation.
Read on for how to ask a question using mindfulness meditation and my preferred method, using inner journeying.
How Can You Ask a Question in Regular Meditation?
All types of meditation will help you tackle your situation, even if you don’t actively ask the question, because meditation creates calm and peace.
Even if you don’t get the specific answer, you will gain insights to help you discover the answer for yourself.
Set the intention of your question at the start – say the question within your mind – then focus on your breath and hold on to the question for 10 rounds of breathing. (In and out = 1 count.)
After the 10 rounds, release the question from your mind and watch it float away.
Sit in your meditation as normal, watching the breath and observing anything that crops up. If a thought floats in, watch it dispassionately, without judgement.
Bring your focus back to your breath every time you notice it wandering but pay attention to any images which may crop up during this time.
If you’re going to get an answer to your question, it will often become clear to you just after your session, rather than directly within your practice.
You may find you receive great intuition in your practice which will help you to answer the question at the end of your session.
At the very least, practising meditation will help make you more composed and better prepared for making difficult decisions.
Remember, there really isn’t a wrong way to practise meditation but inner journeying can be more direct for asking questions.
Summary: How do You Meditate on a Decision Using Regular Meditation?
- Sit or lie somewhere comfortable and quiet.
- Turn off your mobile and any other distractions.
- Begin to relax your body, starting from your feet and ending at the top of your head, relaxing each body part as you come to it. Say to yourself, Your feet are fully relaxed and heavy. Pure relaxation is moving up to your ankles . . and legs. Your legs feel so heavy, they are melting into the surface below them. Carry on like this until you’ve covered your whole body, including arms and hands, eyelids and jaw.
- Now focus on your breathing, inhaling as deeply as you exhale.
- Ask the question in your mind as you begin to breathe. Hold the question for a round of 10 breaths, then let it go. Notice the question floating away from you.
- Visualise bright white healing light as you breathe in (or another colour that springs to mind in your visualisation).
- Breathe out the stress and clutter from your day with each exhale.
- Stay focussed on the breath and observe any thoughts which pop into your mind. Observe them and release them.
- When you’re ready, gently come back to the room and give thanks that the solution will become clear to you during your day.
- Trust in the process.
Mindfulness meditation isn’t the easiest path because if you’re not used to sitting quietly, you can feel overwhelmed by the chatter of your mind.
It takes practice, practice, practice.
Don’t worry, you aren’t alone, and it will get easier with time, I promise you.
And as it becomes a habit to meditate, that’s when you unlock a deeper appreciation for the power of the moment.
How to Meditate on a Question Using Inner Journeying Meditation
Begin by focusing on your breath, inhaling and exhaling equally deeply.
It helps if you’re familiar with practising mindfulness meditation but if you don’t understand mindfulness, don’t worry, you can still use inner journeying to meditate on a question.
Inhale a positive quality such as healing light, inspiration or love, and choose a burden to let go of with each exhale. It might be your attachments, worries, ill-health etc. (With each exhale you release the same burden.)
Relax your body by doing a body scan, starting from the tips of your toes and working your way up to the top of your head, visualising and commanding each part of your body to become heavy and relaxed, until your whole body is in a state of relaxation.
Journey to Your Magic Garden to Meditate on a Question
At this point of meditation, you’re going to go on an inner journey.
This method’s inspired by a blend of self-hypnosis, voice dialogue therapy and shamanic journeying influences.
Count backwards silently from 5 – 0 and tell yourself with your inner narrative voice that with each number, you’re going to sink deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Say to yourself silently, ‘5 . . . you’re feeling super relaxed and now as I count down, every part of your body slips deeper and deeper into relaxation. 4 . . . and so on.
By directing your mind with your inner narrator, you’ll help to keep all the other inner chatter quiet.
When you reach the number zero, you see a lift. Step into the lift and notice as it goes down, down and down.
Watch the numbers count backwards as the lift goes downward and with each level, you sink deeper and deeper into trance. (You can omit the lift stage if you don’t need so long to get ‘deep’.)
As you step out of the lift, you see a door.
Walk towards a door.
Reach out and place your hand on the handle (within your mind). Feel its texture, is it made from wood? Open the door and see a long staircase going down, down, down.
Look at the staircase. What’s it made from? Is it straight or spiral? Steep or shallow? Is it surrounded by plants or is it bare? Begin to walk down this staircase and with each step that you take, feel the sensation of the earth beneath your bare feet.
Are you walking through muddy grassland or is there sand, or stone beneath your feet? Feel the sensation.
When you get to the bottom of the stairs, walk along the path which unfolds before you. Look around you. What do you see? Step by step . . .

You may find yourself in a tall forest as you walk towards the garden ahead.
Or maybe the trees are twisted and short, covered in moss.
Go through the forest until you find yourself in your very own perfect magic garden, a place of beauty where you feel completely safe and loved.
Smell the scent of flowers on the breeze, hear the birds singing overhead and look around you in awe of the beauty of this place.
This is your special place and you can come back here time and time again in meditation, whenever you need to connect with your spirits or find inner peace.
Whatever way it springs to mind is perfect.
Your magic garden could also be a beach with palm trees and waves crashing on the shore, whatever your subconscious mind offers you, marvel at it and enjoy the sensation of beauty all around you.
Meeting Spirit Beings in Your Magic Garden
Look around you.
Do you see anyone?
You may find your loved ones are waiting to greet you.
Your garden might be populated with spirit animals, either ones you knew in the physical form or ones who are completely new to you.
Sit on the grass and watch what unfolds before you. Feel free to interact with any beings who approach.
After hearing what these guides offer you, go to the water’s edge and walk into the crystal clear water, swimming deep down and down, without the need for oxygen.
You can swim like this through the underground water world, exploring the seascape you find below, until you decide to come back to the surface and climb out of the water to lie on the bank on the other side of the water.
Alternatively, you can take a small rowboat to the other side.
Journey to the Caves of Wisdom
You’re now on the other side of the lake. You can see a hill and you begin to go upwards towards the horizon.
Keep walking until you see an entrance to a cave or a building of some kind.
It might be a hut made from mud, a wooden house or a cave.
Know that these huts all offer specific purposes. Choose to go into the room of questions or one which resonates most, where you will receive answers.
For example, if you’re working on how to not give up so easily, you can choose the cave of wisdom to go into. Once inside, you will sit in the middle of the space and ask your question to the beings who surround you. These may be your other selves or they may be otherworldly beings.
If another room appears to you, go with it.
Sometimes our subconscious mind wants us to know something even if we aren’t aware of it. So instead of the room of questions, you might suddenly find yourself in the room of self-discovery for example.
Within the small hut, the room opens up into a spacious cave-like area, huge compared to the outside appearance. Take notice of your surroundings and look at the spirit beings who are moving within the space.
Summon all of your own self to join the spirit beings in the room. Walk towards the seat which is awaiting you.
It might be like a fabulous throne on a stage, a golden seat in the centre of the room or a modest chair amongst all the beings.
As you take your seat, you might see tens or hundreds of these fractions of yourself seated around you – your angry voice, your teenage self, your shy voice, your inner child, your defender, your inner critic and more, all seated in a circle around you.
The moment has come to voice your question.
Say the question in your mind and watch the ripple effect from within your mind’s eye.
Listen as the beings offer their answers.
None of this is a thought process. You aren’t actively thinking. The images spring up before you have time to invent them. If you’re inventing them, spend more time practising the deepening stages of this meditation.
You may find that loads of them all come forth with answers, or only one, or none at all.
Whatever it is, is fine.
Be aware that when an angry answer comes from one of your selves, you may choose to thank them for their input and ask them to sit on the sideline as an observer.
Tell them that you appreciate that they have been there to protect you all your life but that for now, you don’t need the angry voice to be present.
Listen to the angry response and say, ‘Be that as it may, we have plenty of time to respond to that. For now, I’d like you to sit aside and let the other voices be heard.’
You may find that a non-earthly being gives you an answer to your question. It may just telepathically land into your conscious or you may see them speak it to you.
It could also happen that you don’t receive an answer when you’re in the room of questions, but it can still come to you later on when you’re back in your magic garden or even after the meditation is over.
When you’re ready, thank the spirits and your multiple voices and leave the room to come back to your garden.
Return to Your Magic Garden

Your magic garden might be a grassy field, a forest, a mountain top, a tropical beach, a fantastical scenery of another world . . . whatever comes up for you is perfect.
There, you can sit on the grassy bank and clear your mind.
Allow the silence to engulf you.
If the thoughts start coming, choose either to bring your focus back to your breath or just say ‘thank you’ to the thought but don’t interact further with it.
Allow yourself to stay in the zone.
Often the answer will pop into your head and become clear to you.
Sometimes, it might not present itself until well after the meditation, when it will suddenly appear in a way of intuition.
If no answer comes to you, you may choose to repeat the meditation again the following day.
Each time you visit the inner journey to the magic garden you may meet new beings or the same team of spirits.
It’s especially useful to ask your various other voices because often in life it’s actually us who is blocking something. For example, you could sit in the room of questions and ask, ‘Which one of us doesn’t like having money?‘ or ‘Which one of us thinks we don’t deserve to be wealthy?‘
And you will spontaneously hear a response from a part of your subconscious mind. It may even shock you to hear a part of you saying that money is dirty or that you can’t trust money or other limiting beliefs you hold.
When this happens you can thank that voice and ask it to be an observer for 3 days. Tell the voice that it needs permission before it speaks.
This will draw your attention to it when you’re about your daily business and this part of you would normally go unseen – you will become aware of it and in doing so you reclaim the power to choose.
The journey is an adventure which can bring clarity to your life and it isn’t brought to life by thinking but by allowing it to spring up before you spontaneously.
Guided Shamanic Journey
Summary: How to Meditate on a Decision with Inner Journeying
- Sit and breathe deeply. Focus on your breath.
- Do a body scan to relax even more.
- Use the imagery of a lift to take you down deeper into relaxation.
- Next see yourself stepping down an outdoor staircase and walking along a path, feeling the soil beneath your feet as you go deeper into your meditation.
- At the end of the path, you discover your magic garden where you’ll meet some of your guides and swim through the lake of clarity.
- From there you will seek out the room of questions where you will meet more guides along with your own inner voices. You will ask the question and be open to receiving answers from the beings in the room.
- Don’t push for answers. If nothing comes, be at ease. Allow things to be as they are.
- If you receive an answer (or answers), thank the spirits and your other selves and return to your magic garden.
- Sit in peaceful silence on the grassy bank and return to your breath.
- Listen to, see or feel any intuition which flows to you.
- When you’re ready, return to the room and to your fully awake state.
- If you didn’t receive an answer to the question, it may still come to you in the form of intuition during the day.
- Learning to receive your intuition is like a muscle – it gets stronger with exercise. If at first you don’t succeed, keep practising.
Why isn’t Meditation Helping Me Find Answers?
Mediation can connect you with the inner core and spiritual essence of yourself.
So when you meditate, it isn’t always about getting perfect answers for worldly troubles. Sometimes meditation will just bring you calmness to recollect your thoughts and face the world again.
- Meditation connects you to your spiritual essence, not to your worldly troubles, so the very act of meditating can release you from the very question you asked in the first place. It’s a great way to connect to your intuition or your spirit guides, but if you’re asking a negative-energy question, it could be that it’s not in your best interests to receive an answer.
- Through meditation, you learn to release the importance of outward things and connect with the inner world.
- Many questions are better off left at the doorway – before you enter into the meditative zone.
- If you want an answer to a question, choose a question related to your higher good and accept whatever answer comes your way.
- Don’t be despondent if you do not receive an answer.
Using Guided Meditations to Find Answers to Questions
Instead of going deep into the zone with your own private meditation, you can also use guided meditations to take you on your inner journey.
Not all guided meditations are built the same and you definitely have to resonate with the voice and whole presentation of the meditation.
I love this guided meditation to answer your questions by Jason Stephenson and it’s very similar to the magic garden journey.
By practising this video, you’ll get a better idea of how to instruct your subconscious mind when doing your own inner journeys without the help of another person.
Jason conjures up vivid feelings, scents, images etc to really involve your senses and take you deep into the meditative state.
Meditation brings with it so much peace of mind.
I offer mindset coaching to help you change your limiting beliefs and create new behaviour and achieve your aspirations and dreams.
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I hope you enjoyed this article on how to meditate on a question and you go on to see your meditation in a new light.